I included these details because they show why I love working on paper. I've no problem with computers, but I don't know how to do those things with photoshop and I have a lot of fun getting my hands dirty and pushing stuff around and making a mess. Computers are great and they definitely have a place in my process, but I think I'm going to lay off them for a while and really push myself to get a sense of play into my pictures. When I really fall in love with other peoples pictures it's for this type of stuff. When I look at Siekiewicz's pictures, or Schiele, or George Pratt's beautiful paintings or Breccia's perfect drawings, it's that sense of play, the push and pull carved into the surface and supported by undeniably powerful drawing skills that really makes me lose my mind. That's what I'm after with my drawings, but I've got a long way to go.