New/er Paintings

Back in a Minute

Some pages from a sketchbook that recently became too full to put new things into for now.

Hope everyone is well!

In the Future...

Quick Drawings

Drawing I did as prelim for my next comic (I didn't know if what I was seeing in my head for this character would actually work). So, maybe this is like a teaser. Because I know there are tons of you out there just barely able to contain yourselves waiting for me to post another comic. Also, a drawing I did of Chris Ware's Face after reading the Rolling Stone Interview with him, and The Hernandez Bros and Daniel Clowes. It's good I guess (<-- The article not my drawing).
Taker easy, folks!

Book September 2012

So, I went a step further than I thought I would and had a bit of a book printed up. These are pictures. I only have a couple of them now, but I plan on printing more, as well as printing each story in it's own booklet. Right now it's "Deus Absconditus" and "Remote Viewing". 8 and 9 pages respectively and I think they're good enough. I was going to post "Remote Viewing" in it's entirety, but now that I have books, I'd rather just send you one. Hit me up: and we'll work it out. The books I have now, have individually decorated elements (title page, chapter breaks, page numbers) because I was in a rush to get out of town and didn't have time to make them. The next batch will not have these individualized touches but they will still be cool. I literally have only... 2 of these left, so... Well I have no idea you might not need to hurry. We'll see. If you want one let me know and I'll make sure it happens. Take Care. Enjoy the pictures:


Flower Painting

Acrylic on Paper

new comic coming

finishing it up now:


Cartoon Doodles

I colored this page from my sketchbook in PS. Looking for a few different ideas for different projects. I'm going to be teaching a class on cartooning and comics in Geneva IL.
Welcome to Monday!

Sketchbook Page

Gallery Work

I might start doing more work that fits better in a Fine Art gallery type setting. These are some warm up portraits. Let me know what you think.


I'm really terrible at this whole blog thing. I keep saying things like,"I've got all this work that I'm going to scan and post, so stay tuned!" And then I never do that at all. I really do have a bunch of stuff, and now, this time, for real, I'm really honestly going to start posting more stuff. Stay tuned. This is a radio. Radio.



My next comic is about cavemen, because I like drawing them.

Brief Pretentious Essay:

I included these details because they show why I love working on paper. I've no problem with computers, but I don't know how to do those things with photoshop and I have a lot of fun getting my hands dirty and pushing stuff around and making a mess. Computers are great and they definitely have a place in my process, but I think I'm going to lay off them for a while and really push myself to get a sense of play into my pictures. When I really fall in love with other peoples pictures it's for this type of stuff. When I look at Siekiewicz's pictures, or Schiele, or George Pratt's beautiful paintings or Breccia's perfect drawings, it's that sense of play, the push and pull carved into the surface and supported by undeniably powerful drawing skills that really makes me lose my mind. That's what I'm after with my drawings, but I've got a long way to go.